Apr 12, 2023Β·edited Apr 12, 2023Liked by Sheryl Wagner

Sheryl!!!!!! I took the plunge and paid for a year long subscription!!!!! While Jupiter is cazimi, no less πŸ€“ Every single one of your newsletters fills my day with magic. You connect me to my spirituality in a way that nothing has before. THANK YOU. Now, to take advantage of being able to comment (yay!) . . .

Morning routines have been on my mind lately too. I wonder if there's something in the air!

I really struggled with Morning Pages when I did the Artist's Way. I think it has something to do with the rigidity of the practice? I just looked up Julia Cameron's chart, and found out she's a Capricorn Moon (ARE WE EVEN SURPRISED!). I also found out she shares my birthday, which is . . . incredible hahaha. πŸ₯ΉπŸ₯ΉπŸ₯Ή

I'm absolutely gonna try the stirring ritual. So simple, but so profound. Such simple practical ways of infusing magic into your every day!! And connecting with Nature –– "considering the qualities you’re drawn to, and embodying them throughout the day". I've never considered that before, and it fills my heart with excitement and joy. What am I drawn to? What do I wish to embody? It gives me a new perspective on my spirit animals and guides, too!

Big hugs! Enjoy your two weeks off, so excited for part II! πŸ’—πŸ’—πŸ’—

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